Muriel Barbery When tea becomes ritual, it takes its place at the heart of our ability to see greatness in small things. Where is beauty to be found? In great things that, like everything else, are doomed to die, or in small things that aspire to nothing, yet know how to set a jewel of infinity in a single moment?
September 25, 2017/Bee What to know about eating vegan Integer maximus accumsan nunc, … By aitlyazid 72 0
September 13, 2017/Tea Honey bees use multiple genetic pathways to fight infections Integer maximus accumsan nunc, … By aitlyazid 56 0 September 1, 2017/Honey Green tea health benefits By aitlyazid 56 0
Henry James, The Portrait of a Lady There are few hours in life more agreeable than the hour dedicated to the ceremony known as afternoon tea.